Blood Witch

What is it? Who is it?

Blood Witch is a game based on a new Fantasy setting. Grim Dark? A little. Black humour? A little. Blood Guts and Glory? Oh yes, well for the first two anyway.

The setting for the game is set in a world where the moons are each the home of the gods. In turn the fight on planet below for followers, believers and sacrifices. Some gods fight for peace, some for fun and some because they have too.

In Blood Witch you play the role of a person who was given a great gift by mistake and must now pay for its benefits with what could be your life. If you succeed you may be noticed by one of the greater gods and the bounty dropped upon you would be vast or you may be snuffed out and left to rot in a cave somewhere. Could be something in between but that depends on who you become and what skills you gain.

To grow the lore of the world and help create people, places and items of legacy a pen and paper role playing game is in production. This will become available at a later date and is in development alongside the video game.